The 10-Year Delivery Plan is developed within the policy framework established by the voter-approved measure I Expenditure Plan and the Measure I 2010-2040 Strategic Plan and provides a transparent list of projects that will be developed during the 10-year period. The focus of the plan is to define the current assumptions related to scope, schedule, and budget.
Additionally, it enables SBCTA to meet the requirements of bond rating agencies for the future sale of bonds and provides the basis for the preparation of SBCTA’s annual budget for capital projects. The Delivery Plan is a living document that is updated regularly to capture revisions to the projects and assumptions in the plan, actual Measure I revenue figures, and relevant Board actions.
At the June Board of Directors meeting, the 2019 update to the 10-Year Delivery Plan was approved. The 2017 Delivery Plan assumed that revenue would be increasing at 3.3% per year through the ten-year period, and then 3.8% through 2040. The proposed inflation and real growth rate for the 2019 Update is between 3.3% and 3.6% through 2029, and then between 3.0% and 3.5% through 2040, based on a study completed in December 2018 by the University of California, Riverside School of Business.
Since the 2019 update starts with a lower base value as a result of slightly lower revenue than forecast in the interim years and lower rates going forward, the cumulative collections are less than those in the 2017 Update, decreasing the $6.8 billion total revenue in the 2017 Update to $6.5 billion projected in the current plan.
To view SBCTA’s 10-Year Delivery Plan, click here.