The SBCTA Board approved staff’s request to release Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 20-1002357 for Program Project Management and other Technical Professional Services in support of the Major Projects Program. This professional services solicitation is intended to result in a consultant under contract with San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) by fall 2020. SBCTA staff will provide overall direction for the transportation program and assign consultant staff to perform specific job responsibilities aimed at assisting SBCTA staff and providing the technical expertise necessary for managing and overseeing transportation projects.
Under this new five-year, $30-$35million contract, the consultant will function both in-house as an extension of SBCTA staff and supplement SBCTA staff on an on-call basis. Specifically, on a full-time basis the consultant will assist SBCTA staff in the oversight, management, and completion of all work associated with the development and approval of the projects through construction. On an as-needed basis technical services will be requested as required to effectively and efficiently manage the program as well as individual projects. The following general categories describe the needs of the program: