
Caltrans Outlines Emergency Operations Plan

December 12, 2022

Caltrans District 8 representatives presented an outline of their Emergency Operations Plan at the SBCTA Mountain/Desert Policy Committee meeting in November. The Emergency Operations Plan coordinates Caltrans’ actions in the event of a disaster. The plan covers the district’s preparedness, response and short-term recovery efforts, including areas such as administration, operations, construction, design, environmental, planning, communications and maintenance.

As the largest county in the contiguous United States, San Bernardino County covers over 20,000 square miles with a varied landscape posing many challenges in the event of a natural disaster. SBCTA works closely with Caltrans District 8 to prepare and ensure that interruptions to the countywide transportation network are reduced as much as possible after a disaster. The Caltrans District 8 Emergency Operations Plan presentation can be viewed here.

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