
SBCTA Garners Recognition for Achievements in Transportation

February 12, 2025

The Transportation Authority was proud to be recognized by two prestigious organizations over the last month.

In early January, SBCTA was awarded the 2024 Public Partner of the Year award from the Inland Empire Economic Partnership (IEEP) at their annual awards reception.  IEEP recognized SBCTA for their work on transportation projects that advance the economy and quality of life in the inland region.

Additionally, SBCTA’s North First Avenue Bridge Project, another key Measure I supported effort, was honored with a 2025 Engineering Excellence Award in the Construction Management Category from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). SBCTA was joined by Anser Advisory and Parsons/S2 Oversight construction management teams in accepting the award at ACEC’s awards banquet on February 5th.  The North First Avenue Bridge Project replaced a nearly 100-year old bridge in the City of Barstow that had been deemed structurally deficient and functionally obsolete.  The bridge serves as a main thoroughfare in the city and spans over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) rail yard.

This project included the construction of new access roadways to the bridge and a new two-lane span. The replacement bridge enhances traffic safety, improves Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access and pedestrian walkways, and re-establishes a safe connection between the two parts of the City of Barstow – the residential north portion and the downtown business district.

SBCTA is honored by the recognition of the agency’s efforts to bring projects that improve the lives of the residents of San Bernardino County.

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