
Testing of Metrolink Extension in San Bernardino to Start Monday

November 9, 2017

DTSBPRP Test Trains Press Release DRAFT (2)
SAN BERNARDINO – As construction of the extension of the Metrolink San Bernardino Line from the Santa Fe Depot to the San Bernardino Transit Center in downtown concludes, Metrolink will begin testing of the track and safety systems starting November 13, 2017.
The public can expect to see trains crossing the roadways between the Depot and the Transit Center. Horns will signal the crossing to alert motorists and pedestrians. The railroad right of way has been relatively inactive for some time, creating a false sense of security for those looking to use the tracks as a short cut to destinations in central San Bernardino. Trespassing in the railroad right of way is both a major safety concern and prohibited by law.
Please consider the following:

  • Only cross train tracks at designated crossings, look both ways, and cross the tracks quickly, without stopping.
  • Never race a train to the crossing — even if you tie, you lose.
  • The train you see is closer and faster-moving than you think. If you see a train approaching, wait for it to pass before you proceed across the tracks.
  • Be aware that trains cannot stop quickly. Even if the locomotive engineer sees you, a train takes more time to stop once the emergency brakes are applied.
  • Never drive or walk around lowered gates — it’s illegal and deadly. If you suspect a signal is malfunctioning, call the 1-800 number posted on or near the crossing signal or your local law enforcement agency
  • Do not get trapped on the tracks; proceed through a roadway-rail grade crossing only if you are sure you can completely clear the crossing without stopping.
  • If your vehicle stalls on a track with a train coming, get out immediately.

Passenger service of this new extension will begin in mid-December. Schedules and other updates about this new stop along the San Bernardino Line can be found at

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