
San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Wins at the 29th Annual Clean Air Awards

November 14, 2017


(Photo by South Coast Air Quality Management District)

San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) was awarded with the “Model Community Achievement” award by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). SCAQMD hosted its 29th Annual Clean Air Awards honoring individuals, businesses, public agencies and others who are making significant contributions to cleaner air in the Southland.

The “Model Community Achievement” award is presented to an exceptional single program or strategy that improves air quality and sustainability in the community. The award is intended to recognize the collaborative efforts involving the public, business non-profit and government agencies.

“We’re proud to have been the first Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) agency in the state to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) tow trucks within our community, and are thankful to SCAQMD for recognizing the hard work that has been put forth by the FSP program,” SBCTA President Alan Wapner said.

In collaboration with the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and Caltrans, FSP is a congestion mitigation program designed to assist with freeway traffic congestion caused by vehicles that have been disabled due to mechanical issues such as flat tires. It is a roving team of tow trucks that patrol selected segments of San Bernardino County Freeways during peak commute hours which assists more than 34,000 motorists each year. The goal of the program is to provide no-cost assistance or towing to motorists, which reduces congestion, as well as fuel consumption and exhaust emissions caused by traffic.

The FSP program implemented by SBCTA, utilizes CNG tow trucks resulting in the elimination of more than 1,477 pounds of criteria air pollutants over the span of three years. Since the initial deployment of the CNG FSP tow trucks in August of 2014, more than 1,038,400 gallons of fuel has been saved by the reduction of freeway congestion due the efforts this program.

SBCTA continues to work with its tow truck partners to employ the use of cleaner vehicles which will assist in improving air quality for the future.


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