
New Motion Recommends Special Metrolink Service for Dodgers Games

February 26, 2018


Staff directed to study service alternatives on
Metrolink’s San Bernardino and Antelope Valley lines

LOS ANGELES – On February 9th, 2018, the Metrolink Board of Directors approved a motion, authored by Los Angeles County Supervisor and Board Director Hilda L. Solis, to study special Metrolink train service for Los Angeles Dodgers games on the San Bernardino and Antelope Valley Metrolink lines. By offering train service to these games, baseball fans can depend on a safe, affordable and reliable ride to the game, while leaving their car at home, reducing emissions and traffic congestion.
Supervisor Hilda Solis initiated today’s motion, co-signed by Metrolink Board Directors Kathryn Barger, LA County Supervisor; Paul Krekorian, Los Angeles City Councilmember; and Ara Najarian, Glendale City Councilmember.
“Many San Gabriel Valley residents are passionate about Metrolink and the Los Angeles Dodgers,” said Supervisor Solis. “As Metrolink develops a special ‘Dodgers Express,’ I am excited for Dodgers games on and off the field. No Dodgers fan should balk at this opportunity to save on gas, parking costs, and eliminate traffic headaches. Taking Metrolink to Dodgers games will be a home run!”
In anticipation of yet another Dodgers run for the World Series, Metrolink has a unique opportunity to offer a viable transportation alternative. The aim is to give fans traveling to games on the SR-60, I-10 and I-210 freeways another option for avoiding traffic, which also will help reduce greenhouse emissions.
Before a game, Metrolink express trains would connect with Dodger Stadium Express buses at Los Angeles Union Station. At Union Station, fans with game tickets can ride buses direct to Dodger Stadium for free. After a game, fans would take the Dodger Express bus back to Union Station, where a Metrolink train would await offering a safe, reliable ride to their destination.
“Dodgers Nation extends well beyond Los Angeles County to all corners of Southern California, and we are excited that Metrolink will offer our fans a freeway alternative on the San Bernardino and Antelope Valley lines,” said Naomi Rodriguez, Vice President of External Affairs for the Los Angeles Dodgers. “On behalf of thousands of Dodger fans, we’d like to thank Metrolink for extending this service and continue to thank our partners at LA Metro for providing the Dodger Stadium Express to connect Dodger Stadium to the region’s public transportation system.”
Metrolink staff will explore scheduling and fare options with the Los Angeles Dodgers, Metro, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, and Southern California Association of Governments. Staff will make a recommendation within 60-days, per the motion.
“We are thankful to Supervisor Solis for initiating this possibility of bringing back special Metrolink service to Dodger’s games,” said Metrolink CEO Art Leahy. “The region needs safe, reliable and affordable transportation alternatives that can relieve traffic from congested roadways and reduce emissions, especially for events like Dodger’s games.”

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