The latest edition of On-the-Go for ETCs is out!
The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out!
The latest quarterly project briefing is out! Read the latest edition.
When construction began on the SR 210 Lane Addition/Base Line Interchange Project in February 2020, in the cities of San Bernardino, Highland, Redlands, and parts of unincorporated San Bernardino County, it was hailed as a milestone for improving connectivity across one of the fastest-growing population and economic centers in California. With its summer 2023 completion […]
The latest goSBCTA Newsletter is out! Read the latest edition.
Metrolink, in partnership with SBCTA, will offer a $1 round-trip fare on the new Arrow service. The $1 tickets will be available on the Metrolink mobile app and on Metrolink ticket machines located at the five Arrow stations from Feb. 1 to March 5. The promotional fare applies only to round-trip tickets with origins and […]
On February 1, 2023, the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) announced the recipients for the sixth cycle of the Transit and Interctiy Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) funding grants. More than $2.5 billion was awarded to 16 ongoing public transportation projects in the first wave of a historic infusion of state funding to expand transit and […]
As if the more than 500-plus guests joining SBCTA at the ribbon cutting in October was not enough of a celebration, the Redlands Passenger Rail Project (RPRP) won the Innovative Transportation Solutions Award at the recent Women’s Transportation Seminar-Inland Empire Annual Dinner. RPRP is a nine-mile regional rail project that provides additional transportation choices through […]
We celebrated in January by breaking ground on two projects – the I-10/Cedar Avenue Interchange project in the community of Bloomington and the North First Avenue Bridge project in the high desert. On a chilly January morning in the community of Bloomington, SBCTA President Art Bishop, San Bernardino County Supervisors Dawn Rowe and Joe Baca, […]
Join us for the SR 210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project Webinar!