
Author: Nydia Doolittle

On-the-Go Commuter Newsletter For ETCs: March/April 2023 Edition Released

The latest edition of On-the-Go for ETCs is out!

On-the-Go Commuter Newsletter: March 2023 Edition Released

The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out!

Quarterly Project Briefings: October – December 2022 (Q2)

The latest quarterly project briefing is out! Read the latest edition.

Measure Impact: SR 210 Lane Addition / Base Line Interchange Project

When construction began on the SR 210 Lane Addition/Base Line Interchange Project in February 2020, in the cities of San Bernardino, Highland, Redlands, and parts of unincorporated San Bernardino County, it was hailed as a milestone for improving connectivity across one of the fastest-growing population and economic centers in California. With its summer 2023 completion […]

goSBCTA Newsletter: February 2023 Edition Released

The latest goSBCTA Newsletter is out! Read the latest edition.

Metrolink to Offer $1 Fare on Arrow Service During Limited-Time Promotion

Metrolink, in partnership with SBCTA, will offer a $1 round-trip fare on the new Arrow service. The $1 tickets will be available on the Metrolink mobile app and on Metrolink ticket machines located at the five Arrow stations from Feb. 1 to March 5. The promotional fare applies only to round-trip tickets with origins and […]

SBCTA Secures $34.5 Million in State Grant Funds

On February 1, 2023, the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) announced the recipients for the sixth cycle of the Transit and Interctiy Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) funding grants. More than $2.5 billion was awarded to 16 ongoing public transportation projects in the first wave of a historic infusion of state funding to expand transit and […]

All Aboard the Arrow

As if the more than 500-plus guests joining SBCTA at the ribbon cutting in October was not enough of a celebration, the Redlands Passenger Rail Project (RPRP) won the Innovative Transportation Solutions Award at the recent Women’s Transportation Seminar-Inland Empire Annual Dinner. RPRP is a nine-mile regional rail project that provides additional transportation choices through […]

January Groundbreakings

We celebrated in January by breaking ground on two projects – the I-10/Cedar Avenue Interchange project in the community of Bloomington and the North First Avenue Bridge project in the high desert. On a chilly January morning in the community of Bloomington, SBCTA President Art Bishop, San Bernardino County Supervisors Dawn Rowe and Joe Baca, […]

SR 210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project Webinar

Join us for the SR 210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange Project Webinar!
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