Author: Nydia Doolittle
The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out!
The latest edition of On-the-Go for ETCs is out!
The latest quarterly project briefing is out! Read the latest edition.
The latest goSBCTA Newsletter is out! Read the latest edition.
Due to maintenance and rehabilitation projects, San Bernardino Line service will not operate on Saturday and Sunday, April 15 and 16 and again Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7. The San Bernardino Line service will not operate between the Montclair and Los Angeles Union station. There will be Metrolink train service between San Bernardino […]
Join us for Earth Day – ride the bus or train, carpool, vanpool, bike or walk to work!Learn more about options in San Bernardino County that you can take on Earth Day: In addition, Metrolink and Victor Valley Transit Authority will be offering free rides on Earth Day!
Originally scheduled to start in mid-February, the series of six directional 55-hour freeway closures on SR 210 in the cities of Highland and Redlands have been rescheduled multiple times due to the unprecedented rain that southern California has experienced this year. With spring bringing promises of better weather conditions, the series of weekend closures that […]
The North First Avenue Bridge Project in Barstow has had a dubious record for years. Built in 1930, it has fallen into disrepair over the decades, earning a sufficiency rating from Caltrans of 3 out of 100 back in 2012. The bridge is classified as both structurally deficient and functionally obsolete, and was recently closed […]
The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out!