
Category: News Articles

I-10 Construction Alert Week of September 16th

Here’s what’s scheduled for the I-10 Express Lanes Project this week:

Barton Road Nighttime Lane Reductions and Ramp Closures

Here’s what’s scheduled for next week:

US-395 Construction Alert Week of September 9th

Here’s what’s scheduled for US-395 project construction this week:

I-10 Construction Alert Week of September 9th

Here’s what’s scheduled for the I-10 Express Lanes Project this week:

Monte Vista Ave/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Join us! SBCTA, the City of Montclair, Union Pacific Railroad,and our Project Partners cordially invite you to a ribbon cutting ceremonycelebrating the new grade separation over the Union Pacific Railroadtracks along Monte Vista Avenue.

Barton Road Nighttime Lane Reductions and Ramp Closures

Here’s what’s scheduled for next week:

SBCOG Partners with CONFIRE, IEHP, and San Bernardino County Fire Chiefs for an Emergency Services Improvement Project

Last week, the Board approved a contract with Mission Critical Partners to complete the Optimizing Emergency Medical Dispatch Plan. This plan is part of the greater SBCOG Work Plan that provides a general overview for use of the funds in a 3-5 year timeframe for Council of Governments (COG) initiatives. The goal of the Emergency […]

Inland Empire Changing the Narrative

At the September SBCTA Board meeting, Directors received a presentation from Steve Lambert of The 20/20 Network, an Inland Empire (IE) based communications firm. Mr. Lambert outlined a new initiative to support the IE based on non-profit organizations. The IE has long lived in the shadows of its coastal neighbors to the west, struggling to establish […]

Improved Transportation Services for All Trona Residents

The Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA) Board recently approved funding which will allow the Trona Community Senior Center (TCSC) to provide one day a week transportation service between Trona and Ridgecrest. This service will be available to all residents of the Trona community. Additionally, this funding will allow for the TCSC to provide local dial-a-ride/demand […]

I-10 Construction Alert Week of September 2nd

Here’s what’s scheduled for the I-10 Express Lanes Project this week:
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