Needles Area Transit (NAT) will be offering free bus rides from August 1st through September 15th, 2019. The campaign is geared to offer travelers the chance to try transit for free. The campaign is sponsored by SBCTA with grant funding from the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP). By allowing riders unlimited rides, the campaign […]
The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority’s (SBCTA) 7th Annual Business 2 Business Expo scheduled for October 29th at the Ontario Convention Center, will connect prime and subcontractors for future teaming opportunities, enhance awareness of local labor, and educate prospective bidders on contracting opportunities. Past events have resulted in lasting relationships to develop opportunities for big […]
In December of last year, SBCTA released a Call for Projects using the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities projects and Transit Stop Access Improvement Projects. The amount of Article 3 funds anticipated available for award was approximately $2.1 million for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities projects and $538,965 for […]
Last week, the Board of Directors approved the annual agreement between the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and SBCTA to continue the Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) program. Additionally, the Board approved the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the procurement of tow operator services for additional Beats. FSP consists of a fleet of […]
Senate Bill (SB) 277 seeks to provide clarification and increased transparency relative to the process for distribution of transportation funds through the Local Partnership Program (LPP). LPP was designed to provide additional assistance to regions that have passed local sales tax measures or additional fees with those funds dedicated to transportation and transit projects. SB […]
At the July Board of Directors meeting, a cooperative agreement was approved between the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and SBCTA to study High Desert transportation solutions. In response to high costs associated with a new east/west high desert corridor, Metro and SBCTA recently voted to look into financially feasible short-term transportation options to […]
By now, it is well known that SBCTA is expanding the public transit network in the San Bernardino Valley with implementation of the Redlands Passenger Rail Project, a project that will introduce the Arrow service that will use diesel multiple unit (DMU) rail vehicles. In conjunction with public transit expansion and providing options for the […]
Enjoy the 4th of July holiday, there will be no work from July 3 at 6:00 a.m. through July 7 11:59 p.m. Please drive safely.
Here’s what’s scheduled for next week for the Barton Road Project:
As the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) begins the US 395 – Phase 1 Widening Project, crews will place K-rail (temporary concrete barriers) along the five-mile corridor June 27-28 and July 1-3. WHEN: June 27-28 and July 1-3 HOURS: Nighttime 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. WHERE: Northbound (NB) and southbound (SB) US 395 between […]