
Category: News Articles

Victor Valley Transit Authority Service Alert

VVTA Route 33 begins serving Adelanto Senior Center on Monday, June 24th Victor Valley Transit Authority Route 33 Adelanto Circulator will begin serving the Adelanto Senior Center on Cortez Street, beginning Monday, June 24. The new bus stop will be served seven days a week. For more information, click here.


As the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) begins construction of Express Lanes on I-10 between the Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line and I-15, crews will continue field work investigation on eastbound and westbound I-10 from June 24 through June 29. Please remember all construction is dynamic and the schedule is weather-permitting and subject to […]

I-10 Lane Closures June 17 – June 22nd

As the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) begins construction of Express Lanes on I-10 between the Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line and I-15, crews will continue field work investigation on eastbound and westbound I-10 from June 17 through June 22. Please remember all construction is dynamic and the schedule is weather-permitting and subject to […]

Barton Road Nighttime Lane Reductions and Ramp Closures

This week saw full directional closures on I-215 so that crews could construct the overhead false work (temporary bridge support system). Schedulers anticipated that work would continue until Tuesday, June 18th, however, progress went well this week and those full closures have been cancelled.

City of Fontana Recognized for Energy Efficiency

The City of Fontana was recognized by the San Bernardino Regional Energy Partnership (SBREP) and Southern California Edison (SCE) at their March 12th City Council meeting for advancing to Gold in SCE’s Energy Leadership Partnership (ELP) program through the SBREP. The city’s accomplishments were achieved by converting streetlights throughout the city to LED, saving more […]

Census 2020

SBCOG is partnering with the counties of San Bernardino and Riverside to form the Inland Empire Complete Count Committee (IE-CCC) for the outreach effort for the upcoming Census. The IE-CCC is a leadership body that draws on representatives from the nonprofit, government, education, business, and philanthropic sectors to develop a Census awareness campaign specific to […]

You’re Invited to the Redlands Passenger Rail Project Groundbreaking

All Aboard! Please join us for the Redlands Passenger Rail Project Groundbreaking as we celebrate the beginning of mainline construction efforts which will continue through June 2021. The celebration begins at 10:00 a.m. at the corner of Third and Stuart in Redlands, directly across the tracks from the Redlands Depot. The event is open to […]

I-10 Lane Closures June 10 – June 15th

As the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) begins construction of Express Lanes on I-10 between the Los Angeles/San Bernardino County Line and I-15, crews will continue field work investigation on eastbound and westbound I-10 from June 10 through June 15. Please remember all construction is dynamic and the schedule is weather-permitting and subject to […]

Nighttime Freeway (Directional) Closures Scheduled for I-215 in Grand Terrace

Starting Monday night (June 10), crews will be closing an entire direction of the freeway and up to three lanes in the opposite direction between the hours of 8pm and 4am. Crews will start the full closures on the northbound side of the freeway. It is expected to shift to the southbound side on Wednesday, […]

Maintenance Facility Construction Contract for Future Arrow Service Trains

A key component for the future Arrow Service (passenger rail service between San Bernardino and Redlands) is the construction of a storage and maintenance facility for the innovative Diesel Multiple Units (DMUs) slated for use along the 9-mile corridor. At the June Board meeting, the Board of Directors approved the construction contract for this new […]
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