
Construction Contract Awarded for State Route 210 Lane Addition and Base Line Interchange

November 12, 2019

Commuters in the eastern San Bernardino Valley can look forward to some traffic relief on the horizon. On November 6th, the SBCTA Board of Directors approved the construction contract for the State Route 210 (SR-210) lane addition and Base Line interchange project. The contract was awarded to Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLP for just over $112 million.

Currently, SR-210 reduces from three lanes in each direction to two lanes in between Highland Avenue in the City of San Bernardino to San Bernardino Avenue in the City of Redlands, creating a bottleneck for commuters in that stretch. The project will add one mixed-flow lane in each direction between Highland Avenue and San Bernardino Avenue, auxiliary lanes between Base Line and 5th Streets, and an acceleration lane at the 5th Street eastbound ramp.

As the SR-210 Widening and SR-210/Base Line Interchange projects aligned geographically and shared similar delivery schedules, they were combined for the design, right of way, and construction phases to save cost and expedite the schedule. Additionally, Caltrans pavement rehabilitation work has been added through a cooperative agreement with Caltrans that includes new concrete pavement between 5th Street and Lugonia Avenue and is funded with State Highway Operation and Protection Program funds. Adding the additional rehabilitation work during the existing project means that is one less project that commuters will have to navigate around in the future.

The SR-210 lane addition and Base Line interchange project will be completed in 2022.

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