SBCTA and member agencies benefit from the following local funding sources:
Each jurisdiction identified in the Development Mitigation Program has adopted a development financing mechanism that require all future development to pay a fair share for needed transportation facilities as a result of the development, pursuant to California Government Code 66000 et seq. and as determined by the Congestion Management Agency, SBCTA, in its Congestion Management Plan.
The Transportation Development Act (TDA) provides for the Local Transportation Fund (LTF) and State Transit Assistance (STA) Fund, which are major sources of funding for public transportation. These funds are for the development and support of public transportation needs that exist in California and are allocated to areas of each county based on taxable sales and fare revenue. Some areas of the county have the option of using LTF for local streets and roads projects, if they can show there are no unmet transit needs. SBCTA is the agency that provides oversight of the public hearing process used to identify unmet transit needs. Additionally LTF provides a set-aside for bicycle and pedestrian projects. SBCTA administers biennial calls for projects for distribution of these funds for projects that provide bicycle and pedestrian facilities and for improvements to access to transit stops.