A regional housing trust provides a mechanism to raise and leverage existing funds to support the creation of housing, with a focus on affordable housing. Given the limited capacity of local jurisdictions to devote resources to trust administration, and San Bernardino Council of Governments’ (SBCOG) well-established role in the region, SBCOG is both qualified to and capable of administering a regional housing trust that would address regional housing needs while minimizing duplication of resources across San Bernardino County.
SBCOG worked with the City/County Managers Technical Advisory Committee in 2022 to conduct research, analysis, and outreach in an effort to create a structure for how a regional housing trust would work in San Bernardino, including a strategic plan and white paper.
On April 5, 2023, the SBCOG Board of Directors authorized staff to begin the process of establishing the San Bernardino Regional Housing Trust (SBRHT), including the establishment of a new Joint Powers Authority. Staff will begin working with a Housing Trust Ad Hoc Committee to develop recommendations regarding policy decisions for the SBRHT.