
Measure I funds continue to be invested back into communities 

August 14, 2024

In the year ahead, San Bernardino County residents can expect continued investment in transportation projects throughout the county. 

Thanks to the voter-approved Measure I half-cent sales tax, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) is expected to receive $251 million during the current fiscal year that runs July 1 through June 30. This revenue contributes to SBCTA’s $1.1 billion operating budget that focuses on building infrastructure and improving transportation in all areas of the county. 

To ensure Measure I funds are equitably distributed, the county is divided into six subareas with their own expenditure plans and policies. Additionally, Measure I has a return-to-source provision so that revenue collected within a subarea can only be used in that subarea.  

The subareas are Valley, Victor Valley, Mountains, North Desert, Morongo Basin and Colorado River. A map of these subareas can be found at  

There are several projects currently under construction or expected to begin in the next 12 months that are made possible with Measure I funds. Here’s a look at some of those projects. 

West Valley Connector 

Measure I funds: $58.5 million 

Subarea: Valley 

This project is creating a 100 percent, zero-emission Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. Phase I of the project is 19 miles and will upgrade a portion of existing Route 61 which runs along Holt Boulevard, adding approximately 3.5 miles as center-running, dedicated bus-only lanes. Phase one of the West Valley Connector is expected to be complete in 2026. 

US 395 Freight Mobility and Safety Project: Phase 2   

Measure I funds: $625,000 

Subarea: Victor Valley 

The second phase of the three-phase project will widen US 395 from two lanes to four lanes, add turn lanes and build raised center medians along the 7-mile stretch between I-15 and SR-18. Project improvements will relieve congestion and enhance the efficiency of vehicles transporting goods on US 395. 

US 395 is widely recognized as a critical linkage for goods movement, supporting the economies of multiple inland counties and an important agricultural route between Southern California and the Central Valley. This is the highest priority project in the entire area because of what it means for the more than 300,000 residents and businesses in the Victor Valley. 

North First Avenue Bridge 

Measure I funds: $5.6 million 

Subarea: Victor Valley 

This project includes the construction of a new bridge in the City of Barstow over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railyard and will include enhanced traffic safety, improved Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access and enhanced pedestrian walkways to safely reconnect the residents living in the north to the city’s downtown business district. The new bridge recently opened to cars in July 2024. Additional work continues on nearby streets, sidewalks and the approaches to the bridge. 

Learn more about these projects and how your Measure I dollars are being put to good use at

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