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UPDATE: Barton Road Construction Notice - Big Switch - 9-hour closure of bridge
As you are all very aware, crews have been working hard in preparation for the traffic switch to the new portion of the bridge - allowing construction of the other half to begin. As with all changes within the project, it…
You asked and we listened. Beginning February 14, 2019, you can text Metrolink at (800) 371-5465 (LINK). Metrolink is here to help with your questions or concerns by simply texting us any of the following: General questions Safety Concerns Train…
The latest COG Communicator is out! Read the latest edition.
The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out! Read the latest edition.
The SBCTA Board approved a construction contract with C.A. Rasmussen, Inc. to widen US-395 between SR-18 (Palmdale Road) and Chamberlaine Way from two lanes to four lanes, and install turn lanes and signals at various intersections within the project limits.…