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Save the Date: Barton Road Interchange Groundbreaking Ceremony. Additional event details to follow.
Due to the Hesperia Days Parade on Saturday, September 16, 2017, Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA) Routes 24, 44, 45, 46, and 48 will be on detour from Main Street between C Avenue and I Avenue from the start…
SAN BERNARDINO— The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is working to repair storm damage on State Route 62 (SR 62) from Godwin Road to State Route 177 (SR 177) in San Bernardino County. Storms that occurred on Friday and throughout the…
The Interstate 10 Pepper Avenue Interchange Project in Colton will require full nighttime ramp closures for final striping. The westbound and eastbound I-10 Pepper Avenue on-ramps and off-ramps will be closed Tuesday, September 12, 2017 from 10 p.m. to 6…
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The new Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA) Route 42 began its daily bus service between north Apple Valley and Victorville on Sunday, August 13. The route now connects VVTA’s major transfer point at Victor Valley College (VVC) to previously unserved…