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Morongo Basin Transit Authority usually referred to as MBTA, is shedding its old skin and taking on a new, brighter and bolder identity as Basin Transit. The change in name and logo was motivated by the purchase of new buses…
The latest goSBCTA Newsletter is out! Read the latest edition.
Due to a track rehabilitation maintenance project, Metrolink service between Los Angeles and San Bernardino on the San Bernardino Line will be suspended on Saturday, September 3, Sunday, September 4 and Monday, September 5. There will also be no service…
The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority’s (SBCTA) Business 2 Business Expo will connect prime and subcontractors for future teaming opportunities, enhance awareness of local labor, and educate prospective bidders on contracting opportunities. Past events have resulted in lasting relationships to…
After hosting a successful Christmas Toy Drive in December, SBCTA, together with Time for Change Foundation and Valley College, teamed up to host a community BBQ that would be fun, but more importantly, add value to the community. The BBQ…
Last month, SBCTA hosted a virtual public meeting for the Tunnel to Ontario International Airport Project. This project is exploring a subsurface transit connection between the Cucamonga Metrolink Station and Ontario International Airport. Proposed to be operated and maintained by…