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The latest edition of On-the-Go for Commuters is out! Read the latest edition.
The latest goSBCTA Newsletter is out! Read the latest edition.
SBCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans and the City of Colton, is proposing improvements to Mt. Vernon Avenue Interchange at Interstate 10 to accommodate four continuous through lanes through the interchange, two additional left turn lanes in the northbound direction, and…
SBCTA, in collaboration with Metrolink, will begin testing Arrow this summer. Arrow is the new rail service that will connect the San Bernardino Transit Center to the University of Redlands. Train testing will occur throughout the 9-mile corridor and will…
By car, train, bus or however you travel, come visit us this summer. We are excited to be back out in the community sharing information about the many projects and innovations we are delivering to San Bernardino County. You’ll see…
At their July meeting, the SBCTA Board of Directors approved extending the deadlines for use of Local Transportation Funds (LTF) for projects in Big Bear Lake and Fontana. LTF are made available to counties and cities through the state’s Transportation…