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Through the nonprofit national organization, America Walks, SBCTA was featured as one of four communities that prioritize Transit-Walkability Collaboration. In their series of Transit-Walkability case studies, they take deep look inside the interactive work being done by both public transit…
SBCTA delivers projects. That will become increasingly visible as some major efforts are closing in on the start of construction. In the High Desert, the much-anticipated widening of a portion of US 395 between Victorville and Adelanto is scheduled to…
The Interstate 215 Barton Road Interchange Project is a complex engineering effort that will increase the bridge height, enhance local circulation, introduce a roundabout to facilitate transitioning on and off the freeway, and enhance overall safety on both the freeway…
Rain impacted this week's schedule enough to push nighttime lane reductions on the freeway to this upcoming week.
The latest edition of On-the-Go for ETCs is out! Read the latest edition.
Last week's scheduled freeway and bridge closures went as planned. As a result, NO FULL FREEWAY closures will be needed for week 2.