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San Bernardino/Riverside – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) continues pavement rehabilitation on Interstate 10 (I-10). Eastbound I-10, from Sierra Avenue in the City of Fontana to S. Riverside Ave in the City of Rialto, will be down to one…
Join the band of commuters across the Inland Empire who are choosing to rideshare for the 30th Annual Rideshare Week celebration during the week of October 5 – 9. Find a carpool partner, join a vanpool, hop on a bus,…
Nighttime Connector, Ramp, and Lane Closures on I-15 and I-215 in Devore October 7 - 10, 2015
LOS ANGELES - The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Governing Board earlier this month unanimously approved an item to execute a contract with Metrolink for $22.85 million from the Carl Moyer Program. At the same Sept. 4 meeting,…
Proposed changes include permanent student and AV Line 25 percent discounts, new station-to-station fare to encourage local trips via train LOS ANGELES - Metrolink invites members of the public to a hearing on Oct. 9, to receive information and to…