Customer-Based Ridesharing and Transit Interconnectivity Plan
The Customer-Based Ridesharing and Transit Interconnectivity Study was initiated by the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) along with its partners, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and Omnitrans, for several reasons:
- To ensure that residents, businesses, workers, and visitors can make optimum use of the on-going substantial public investment in the San Bernardino Valley’s transportation network.
- To attract new users, and more continuing users, to the multi-modal network of rail, bus, demand response services, carpool, vanpool and active transportation facilities serving fifteen cities and unincorporated areas of the San Bernardino Valley.
- To determine how SBCTA and its transportation partner agencies should respond to and take advantage of the revolutions occurring in transportation technology, communications, and big data. Are there additional efficiencies to be gained? What adjustments to current services should be made? How do we reach transportation “customers” who were heretofore unavailable?
This study comes at a time of great change and opportunity, but also at a time of uncertainty, with recent years’decline in public transportation ridership both nationally and in this region. This brings increased attention to how to invite new riders to and retain existing riders on this multi-modal transportation network