San Bernardino Transportation Analysis Model
The San Bernardino Transportation Analysis Model (SBTAM) is a TransCAD-based travel demand model focused on San Bernardino County. As such, it is the primary county-wide tool for ensuring consistency in future forecast volumes. SBCTA is responsible for the development, maintenance and application of SBTAM.
SCAG developed a Subregional Model Development Tool (SMDT) to assist local jurisdictions and agencies develop local or subregional models that are consistent with the SCAG Regional Model. SBTAM was developed through application of the SMDT. SBTAM is updated with the latest changes to the SCAG Regional Model making it the best forecasting tool for all multi-modal transportation projects.
For additional information please reference SCAG’s modeling webpage or the SCAG Modeling Task Force.
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Tools
In response to the recent implementation of California Senate Bill 743 (SB 743), SBCTA, in collaboration with Fehr and Peers, developed a web-based VMT Screening Tool and VMT Tool.
- The VMT Screening Tool can be used to determine whether or not prospective projects meet local thresholds requiring thorough VMT analysis. The Tool currently relies on a hybrid version of SBTAM with a 2016 base year consistent with the 2020 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) and a 2040 forecast year consistent with the 2016 RTP/SCS. To use the VMT Screening Tool, please click here.
- The VMT Tool can be used in conjunction with the VMT Screening Tool to help evaluate whether a proposed land use project can be screened from full VMT analysis, and if not, if it would generate VMT impacts. The Tool can also be used to test different mitigation measure options. To use the VMT Tool, please click here.
Accessing SBTAM
Consultants or agencies can use SBTAM for countywide projects by:
- Paying a one-time fee for SBTAM for application purposes
- Requesting model data/support from SBCTA for a fee.
Fees for modeling support vary based on specific project requirements.
Getting Started
Here is the process for using SBTAM:
- For all model data or support requests, please email us at
- Once the electronic form is completed and submitted, the SBTAM Model User Agreement Form will be emailed to you.
- Complete the SBTAM Model User Agreement form and send it back to SBCTA.
- Once the form is received, SBCTA will work with you to fulfill the modeling request.
Note: You must sign a SBTAM Model Users Agreement Form and forward it to SBCTA before using SBTAM or applying forecast volumes for studies.
Additional Resources