
Plan. Build. Move.

SBCTA is expanding its SB Express Lanes network by adding 8 miles of tolled lanes on Interstate 15 (I-15) between Cantu-Galleano Ranch Road in Jurupa Valley to just north of Foothill Boulevard in Rancho Cucamonga. This stretch of   I-15, which includes the SR 60 and I-10 interchanges, and one of the largest logistics centers in the U.S., is considered one of the most congested bottlenecks while serving 50 percent of the interstate truck traffic to and from Southern California. For more information about the project, visit

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I-10 Express Lane

SB Express Lanes – I-10 Express Lanes

I-10 Express Lanes will widen the existing I-10 freeway between the Los Angeles/San Bernardino County line and I-15, a distance of approximately 10 miles. The project includes two tolled express lanes in each direction.


West Valley Connector (BRT)

The West Valley Connector project is a 100% zero-emission Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, the first stage of the San Bernardino County zero-emission Bus Initiative and second BRT route in San Bernardino County. Phase I of the project is 19 miles and will upgrade a portion of existing Route 61 which runs along Holt Boulevard, adding approximately 3.5 miles as center running, dedicated bus-only lanes. There will be 21 stations in Phase I that will provide an improved transit connection to Ontario International Airport (ONT) and help build transit connectivity by linking ONT, two Metrolink lines (San Bernardino and Riverside) and multiple major activity centers along the route including Ontario Mills and Victoria Gardens.

Mt. Vernon Viaduct

Mt. Vernon Avenue Bridge

The Mount Vernon Avenue Bridge over the BNSF Intermodal Railway Yard in the City of San Bernardino is showing its age and is in need of improvement. In December 2020, the bridge closed to all traffic (pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular) between 2nd Street and 5th Street. Over the next three years, crews will disassemble and completely rebuild the bridge. Once complete, the new bridge will provide a reliable connection for westside San Bernardino communities.

1-10 Cedar Project

I-10 Cedar Avenue Interchange

The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), the County of San Bernardino, City of Fontana, and City of Rialto will improve Cedar Avenue between Bloomington Avenue and Orange Street in the unincorporated community of Bloomington. As a major north-south arterial that experiences high levels of traffic congestion resulting in low levels of service, the project is designed to relieve congestion, enhance safety, and improve traffic operations

North First Avenue Bridge

The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), in cooperation with the City of Barstow and Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad, is leading the construction effort to replace the existing North First Avenue bridge over a BNSF railyard. The bridge was built around 1930 and during the Bridge Inspection Report prepared by Caltrans in April 2012, the bridge Sufficiency Rating (SR) was 3 out of 100.

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🚗💨 Did you know? SB Express Lanes offers discounts for carpoolers, clean air vehicles, and motorcycles! 🏍️♻️ 

Check out for details on eligibility and savings. 

#SBExpressLanes #CarpoolPerks #CleanAirCommute #MotorcycleDiscounts 

Caltrans District 8 City of Montclair City of Ontario, California - Government City of Rancho Cucamonga - City Government City of Upland Ontario International Airport The Press-Enterprise San Bernardino Sun Riverside County Transportation Commission The Toll Roads

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Why not offer 100% off for EV/CAV?

Check out how they roll in the High Desert. Victor Valley Transit Authority partnered with the Victor Valley College Foundation to donate buses for training programs at Victor Valley College. And did we mention students ride free??
Crews are working to reconfigure the University Parkway on- and off-ramps to make way for the new Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI). 

As part of the 215 University Parkway Interchange project, the DDI will enhance safety, reduce congestion, and minimize infrastructure costs. 

Stay in the know before you go and sign up for construction alerts at 

#215University #DDI #TrafficUpdates #constructionprogress 

CSUSB City of San Bernardino Municipal Government

1 CommentComment on Facebook

I already hate it cuz it messes with everyone who either goes to cajon high school which I live by now and the college kids to plus they need to fix the damn street to the on ramp by motel 6

Where do you need to go in San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and beyond? Check out the regional transit network that gets you on your way.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Do they go to Lake Elsinore?

They need better transportation from Barstow down the Cajon Pass

Johnson valley?

¿A dónde necesitas ir en el condado de San Bernardino, el condado de Riverside y más allá? Consulta la red de transporte regional que te ayudará a seguir tu camino.
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