
SBCTA Board of Directors Visioning Workshop

October 7, 2019

The SBCTA Board of Directors announced they would be conducting a Visioning Workshop on November 12th, 2019 for all board members. The purpose of the workshop is to review and update the organization’s mission statement. The SBCTA mission statement outlines the agency guiding goals and principles. The current mission statement was adopted on June 2, 1993 and reaffirmed on March 6, 1996. Thus, the current mission statement has not been updated in over 23 years. SBCTA has gone through many major changes in the last two decades, most recently restructuring the organization through state legislation separating the Council of Governments responsibilities of the San Bernardino Associated Governments from the county transportation responsibilities and consolidating those responsibilities under the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA).

The workshop will be facilitated by leadership speaker, trainer and executive coach, David Rabiner. He will facilitate the visioning process and discuss key current leadership elements that will provide board members valuable insights on management techniques. Mr. Rabiner’s body of work spans more than a quarter century and includes more than 2,200 programs in 13 countries and 46 U.S. states. A former local government administrator, David has been involved in public sector leadership for almost 40 years, which has given him a unique insight in where leadership has been, where it is, and where it is going.

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