
SBCTA/SBCOG team with County on Smart County Master Plan

December 12, 2022

The SBCTA/SBCOG Emerging Technology Ad Hoc Committee is evaluating the possible deployment of what are traditionally known as “Smart City” technologies on a countywide scale to provide benefits, consistency, and potential economies of scale across all San Bernardino County and its 24 cities.

To this end, the SBCTA Board of Directors approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County of San Bernardino for the development of a Smart County Master Plan. The Master Plan would define and evaluate a broad spectrum of technology components/initiatives, educate local decision-makers on Smart City/County components and system benefits, as well as identify the planning, development and implementation tasks necessary for a Smart County strategy.

As emerging technologies become more and more available, cities and counties nationwide have developed Smart City plans to take advantage of these tools to make government more efficient and responsive to residents. SBCTA/SCOG and the County of San Bernardino will be one of the first in the nation to team together to bring city and county plans together to make plans consistent across jurisdictions. The goal of the Smart County Master Plan is to make San Bernardino County and its cities more competitive for the growing number of state and federal grants available to local governments.

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