
Tag: I-10

I-10/Tippecanoe: Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for May 31-June 3

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

Caltrans Commuter Alert – Interstate 10 Redlands Pavement Replacement Project New Eastbound Traffic Configuration and Crossover Lane Usage

SAN BERNARDINO – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) continues work on the $26 million Interstate 10 (I-10) Pavement Replacement Project. The project replaces concrete pavement in both directions of I-10 between Ford Street in the City of Redlands and Live Oak Canyon Road in the City of Yucaipa. Beginning the weekend of Friday, June […]

I-10 Corridor Project Draft Environmental Document Circulation Dates – April 25, 2016 to June 8, 2016

The San Bernardino Associated Governments has confirmed dates for the circulation of the I-10 Corridor Project Draft Environmental Document (DED). The circulation dates have been confirmed for April 25 through June 8, 2016. The notice of availability and the Draft Environmental Impact Report/Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIR/DEIS) are posted on the SANBAG website during the […]

You're Invited: Interstate 10/Tippecanoe Interchange Improvement Project Completion Ceremony

For more information please contact the San Bernardino Associated Governments, Department of Legislative and Public Affairs, at 909.884.8276 or email

I-10/Tippecanoe Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for April 18-22

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

Traffic Advisory: I-10/Pepper Avenue Interchange: Nighttime Lane Closures 

Attention Redisents, Business Owners, and Commuters   

Media Advisory: I-10/Tippecanoe Westbound Loop Ramp to Open Thursday, April 7

San Bernardino – The westbound Interstate 10 (I-10) loop on-ramp at Tippecanoe Avenue is scheduled to open on Thursday, April 7. The new on-ramp will allow northbound motorists to turn right and loop around to get onto westbound I-10, eliminating the left-turn movement under the bridge. The new configuration will significantly improve access to the […]

I-10/Tippecanoe: Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for April 3-8

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-10/Tippecanoe: Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for March 6-11

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-10/Tippecanoe Construction Notice: Ramp and Lane Closures for February 28 – March 4

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
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