
Tag: Measure I

Taxpayer Oversight Ensures Success of Measure I

The Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee (ITOC) was authorized as part of the Measure I Ordinance approved by the voters and has been monitoring the successful implementation of this critical transportation funding source since the inception of the Measure. The ITOC is a five-member body with particular experience and expertise that would aid them in reviewing […]

Testing on Interstate 10 Express Lanes is a ‘Sign’ that Opening is Soon

Attention I-10 Drivers! The SB Express Lanes on I-10 are scheduled to open this summer. While construction continues on freeway barriers, bridges, on- and off-ramps, and local streets, crews will begin testing the electronic message boards used to display Express Lanes information. Testing will include uncovering the signs and sending electronic messages to the boards […]

I-10/Tippecanoe: Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for May 31-June 3

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-15/Base Line Road Construction Notice: Intermittent Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures for May 31-June 4

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-15/Base Line Road Construction Notice: Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures for May 23-27

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

You're Invited: Interstate 10/Tippecanoe Interchange Improvement Project Completion Ceremony

For more information please contact the San Bernardino Associated Governments, Department of Legislative and Public Affairs, at 909.884.8276 or email

I-15/Base Line Intermittent Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures April 18-24

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

I-10/Tippecanoe Intermittent Ramp and Lane Closures for April 18-22

Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters

Traffic Advisory: I-15/Base Line Road Ramp, Freeway Lane and City Street Lane Closures for April 6-8

Attention Resident, Business Owners, and Commuters

Media Advisory: I-10/Tippecanoe Westbound Loop Ramp to Open Thursday, April 7

San Bernardino – The westbound Interstate 10 (I-10) loop on-ramp at Tippecanoe Avenue is scheduled to open on Thursday, April 7. The new on-ramp will allow northbound motorists to turn right and loop around to get onto westbound I-10, eliminating the left-turn movement under the bridge. The new configuration will significantly improve access to the […]
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