Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
Attention Resident, Business Owners, and Commuters
San Bernardino – The westbound Interstate 10 (I-10) loop on-ramp at Tippecanoe Avenue is scheduled to open on Thursday, April 7. The new on-ramp will allow northbound motorists to turn right and loop around to get onto westbound I-10, eliminating the left-turn movement under the bridge. The new configuration will significantly improve access to the […]
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters A rainy forecast has cancelled construction plans and related closures for the I-15/Base Line Road Interchange Improvement Project this weekend. The 55-hour weekend ramp and freeway lane closures previously scheduled for Friday, March 4 through Monday, March 7 will be rescheduled – weather permitting – for a future date. […]
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters
Attention Residents, Business Owners, and Commuters